"And we are not sent thee (Muhammad) except as a mercy to all the worlds" (Al-Anbiya: 107)
Why whenever there are cases of violence committed by Muslim, a direct course of action that is associated with the term terrorism, and acts of terror that has always been associated with Islam ?. But in other cases no less cruel, call it rebellion OPM in Papua and RMS in Maluku, which has a lot of casualties, ranging from civil society to the state apparatus, we have never heard them say as terrorists, and never associated with their religion ?.Remember us on July 20 last ?, a young man named James E. Holmes shoot blindly, in a town bioskob in Aurora Colorado, during the premiere of the movie Batman, the incident killed 12 people and injured 57 others. Colorado further investigation police discovered in his home a number of explosives, suspected to trap anyone who entered her home. From these events have we ever heard the term terrorism addressed to JEHolmes ?, or whether the incident was linked to religion ?, did not.And what with the massacre of Rohingya Muslim community in Myanmar ?, why the world community does not necessarily accuse Buddhists in Myanmar as a terrorist ?.Terror is derived from the word "Terreur" which berartikan politically motivated murder with weapons, where it has been commonly used in Persian, Arabic linguists and contemporary uses the words 'ihraq' (bloodshed) instead of the word terror. Terror in the French language berartikan panic or fear, and terror become the ruling principle of the revolutionary government in France after the collapse of the Gironde (1973-1974) that many dropped execution by political reasons. "In the terminology of the many differences between the linguists in the definition of" terrorism " , the difference was sometimes very far away, as if they were talking about different objects:
Why whenever there are cases of violence committed by Muslim, a direct course of action that is associated with the term terrorism, and acts of terror that has always been associated with Islam ?. But in other cases no less cruel, call it rebellion OPM in Papua and RMS in Maluku, which has a lot of casualties, ranging from civil society to the state apparatus, we have never heard them say as terrorists, and never associated with their religion ?.Remember us on July 20 last ?, a young man named James E. Holmes shoot blindly, in a town bioskob in Aurora Colorado, during the premiere of the movie Batman, the incident killed 12 people and injured 57 others. Colorado further investigation police discovered in his home a number of explosives, suspected to trap anyone who entered her home. From these events have we ever heard the term terrorism addressed to JEHolmes ?, or whether the incident was linked to religion ?, did not.And what with the massacre of Rohingya Muslim community in Myanmar ?, why the world community does not necessarily accuse Buddhists in Myanmar as a terrorist ?.Terror is derived from the word "Terreur" which berartikan politically motivated murder with weapons, where it has been commonly used in Persian, Arabic linguists and contemporary uses the words 'ihraq' (bloodshed) instead of the word terror. Terror in the French language berartikan panic or fear, and terror become the ruling principle of the revolutionary government in France after the collapse of the Gironde (1973-1974) that many dropped execution by political reasons. "In the terminology of the many differences between the linguists in the definition of" terrorism " , the difference was sometimes very far away, as if they were talking about different objects:
- In the dictionary mentioned The International Relations Dictionary, terrorism is an activity (action) and non-governmental actors government tried to use violence to achieve their political objectives.
- Based on the definition mentioned in the dictionary Mu'jam Al-Washit, terrorists are those who resort to violence to achieve political objectives.
- In A Dictionary of Modern Politics is mentioned, terrorism is the political use of violence as a tool or a means to pressure the government or society to accept political or social change that is fundamental.

Origin of the word Islam is "salima-yaslimu-salaman” (congratulations saved, unharmed). Differences with other religious teachings taken from the name of the carrier, as a Christian is taken from the name of Christ.
Prophet said: "Muslims are survived when others of oral disorders and hands". Islamic indicator then someone is not just obedience in worship rituals, but also socially piety. Wherein a majority of the Muslim community, almost certainly a minority secure, but not necessarily the same thing happened, when the minority is Muslim. Unfortunately our media is often biased in their reporting.RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES ARE SUNNATULLAH
Quran explains that, differences in religion is God's will, because it is His will, then there is no reason to make the difference in religion, as the reason the fight against other religions, as long as they do not fight us.
In terms of faith and worship, we must firmly "lakum dinukum waliyadin" but in our society must be grace.
"... Had Allah willed, you made him one race (course), but Allah wanted to test you for giving him to you, then race-lombalah do good". (QS. Al-Maidah: 48)"If thy Lord had willed, He could have made human beings are one, but they always disagree". (QS. Hud: 118)"And if Allah willed, He made you one people (course), but Allah mislead whom He wills and gives guidance to whom He wills. And you will surely be questioned about what you used to do ". (Qur'an, An-Nahl: 113)
In general, the daring act of "terrorism" was motivated by two factors. First, the desire to reply arbitrariness-state western countries against Muslim countries, and the injustice they are addressing Israeli - Palestinian conflict, and other Muslim countries.

In other words, acts of terror they are doing is an action not reaction, from this point of view looks reasonable at first glance, because it is like saying "The ants only bite if trodden". Muffle reaction like this by force, it will only invite the same hardness, like holding water flowing, long he would overflow and overflow it usually will be greater than he is running as usual. Then one of the alternatives proposed to dampen the reaction is, by providing access to them to be able to realize acts of solidarity, through social and humanitarian organizations, such as the Indonesian Red Cross, MERCY, etc.At the same time our government is also supposed to be, in real terms showed its role in responding to global issues especially concerning discrimination against Muslims, such as the human tragedy that befell Muslims in Myanmar recently, not only with the statement condemned and deplored, but with assertiveness and optimize diplomacy efforts.
If this is done in earnest, of course, the Islamist group that was going to act on their own will be prevented, because when they see that the government has represented them.The root of the second problem is, religious fanaticism and groups who are not accompanied by knowledge of established religion, the terrorists are now on average younger, emotionally obviously they are not yet mature, academically religious background of their diverse, there are indeed of boarding, but not infrequently also of general education, the chances of the time they were recruited, their condition is like a glass half or even less than that, while the doctrine they have received tremendous enormity, then what happens is they stain the doctrine.If this is the root of the problem, then the best solution is to early prevention through the development, doctrine can only be combated with the doctrine because the doctrine already firmly entrenched, can not be countered with force, even more they are the victim (martyr their version) , it will be more and more inspired to follow in his footsteps, and if this happens then we just like cut weeds, lost today, tomorrow developing. Allaah knows best
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